Memberships and associations

It is important to us to actively participate, as a member, in the various national and international trade associations, as they represent our national and international economic, technological and environmental interests towards politics, standardization bodies, network operators, industry, trade organizations and the public sector.

  • Cablebel

    Cablebel is the Belgian professional cable association.

    • Phone: +32/2/706-8730
    • Cablebel
      80, Boulevard Reyers
      1030 Brüssel
  • Europacable

    Europacable is the voice of all leading European wire and cable producers. As a member of Europacable and signatory of the Europacable Industry Charter, Kabelwerk Eupen AG supports and commits to fulfill the principles of this Charter in order to promote and defend Quality Standards in the Cable Industry. The Charter expresses our commitment to shared principles and objectives of ethical, sustainable and high-quality cable development and manufacturing.

    • Europacable
      58, Rue Marie Bourgogne
      1000 Brüssel
  • ZVEI

    ZVEI represents the German association of the electrotechnical industry.
    Through its subsidiary Kabelwerk Rhenania GmbH, Eupen Cable is active in the division “The German cable maker’s association“ of the ZVEI.

    • ZVEI
      Minoritenstraße 9-11
      50667 Köln
  • Agoria

    Agoria is a Belgian employers association defending the interests of all affiliated companies from the metals and electrotechnical sectors.

    • Phone: +32/2/706-7800
    • Agoria
      BluePoint Brussels
      Bd A. Reyers 80
      1030 Brüssel
  • UWE

    UWE, “Union Wallonne des Entreprises”, is the professional association of private companies of the Walloon Region.

    • Phone: +32/10/47-1940
    • UWE
      Chemin du Stocquoy 3
      1300 Wavre
  • Aved

    Aved is the employers association of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.

    • Aved
      Herbesthaler Straße 1A
      4700 Eupen
  • IHK

    IHK is the chambre of industry and commerce for Eupen - Malmedy – St. Vith.

    • IHK
      Herbesthaler Straße 1A
      4700 Eupen
  • AHK Debelux

    AHK Debelux is the German-Belgian-Luxembourg chamber of commerce.

    • Phone: +32/2/203-5040
    • Fax: +32/2/203-2271
    • AHK Debelux
      Manhattan Office Tower
      21 Avenue du Boulevard
      1210 Brüssel
      Metrostation Rogier
  • Europur

    EUROPUR is the European association of flexible polyurethane foam block manufacturers.

    • Europur
      Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
      1000 Brüssel
  • Essenscia

    Essenscia is the Belgian sector federation of the chemical industry and the life sciences. The organization represents the specific interests of companies that are active in chemistry, plastics, pharmaceuticals and biotech.

    • Essenscia
      Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
      1030 Brüssel
  • KRV

    KRV, “Kunststoffrohrverband e.V.” - the trade association of the plastic pipe industry - is the scientific, technical and political representation of interests of the plastic pipe manufacturers in Germany.

    • KRV
      Kennedyallee 1-5
      53175 Bonn
  • DVS

    DVS, the German Association for Welding and Related Processes e. V., is a technical-scientific association aiming to promote welding and related processes.

    • DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen
      und verwandte Verfahren e.V.
      Aachener Straße 172
      40223 Düsseldorf
  • ÖVGW

    ÖVGW, the Austrian Association for the Gas and Water, aims to promote the gas and water sector and related subjects in scientific, technical, economic and legal relationship.

    • ÖVGW – Österreichische Vereinigung
      für das Gas- und Wasserfach
      Schubertring 14
      1010 Wien
  • IRO

    IRO is the Institute for Pipeline Construction at the University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg.

    • Institut für Rohrleitungsbau
      an der Fachhochschule Oldenburg e.V.
      Ofener Straße 18
      26121 Oldenburg
  • DCA

    The goal of the association “Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. (Drilling Contractors Association)” is to maintain, promote and develop at European level the technical standard of horizontal direct drilling.

    • Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. (DCA)
      Charlottenburger Allee 39
      52068 Aachen

    Becetel is the Belgian technological research center for pipes and fittings. It is specialized in testing plastic pipes and accessories intended for use in gas, water and drain pipe systems.

      Gontrode Heirweg 130
      9090 Melle

    Kurio is the Belgian manufacturers association of plastic pipe systems.

    • Kurio vzw
      Kontaktperson: Marc Eenens
      BluePoint Brussels – A. Reyerslaan 80
      1030 Brussel

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